New Jersey

High heels and short grooms

I'll start off by saying that I love shoes and the higher the better since I'm about 5'3".  My FI is not much taller than me.  The shoes I'm looking to get for my wedding have a 1in platform and 4in heel.  My FI is totally used to seeing me in shoes like this.  Does it matter if I wind up a little taller than the groom due to my heel height?  If your groom is on the shorter side, how much did that impact your choice of heel height?

Oh, and don't worry I'm totally getting a pair of flats as well b/c I definitely can't dance all night in heels.  
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Re: High heels and short grooms

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    Why would it matter? People know how tall each of you are. You don't need to try and camouflage it. The guests aren't there to judge you guys or measure you against each other. Get the shoes you want.
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    I had this same issue!  I had originally bought 4.5 inch heels, and then my sister pointed out that they would make me almost the same height as FI.  I am 5'2" and FI is 5'7".  I thought it would bother him a little,  so I returned them and got 3 inch heels instead.  If you don't think it will bother him, I say go with the 4-inch heels if you love them.  I was kind of happy to have an excuse to get a lower heel so I can walk more easily!
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    Mine may or may not make me taller but I don't care because they're the hottest shoes I could find lol go for it!
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    I haven't bought my shoes yet but my FI is only 3-4 inches taller than me so most likely we will be similar in height, if not me taller.  It is what it is, I don't think anyone will notice.  But they will notice some rockin shoes!!!
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:90Discussion:97d9a2eb-63d9-4aad-9b80-877ff1bad8bePost:dd6f9a09-22be-4792-ac1c-95dc05418502">Re: High heels and short grooms</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't bought my shoes yet but my FI is only 3-4 inches taller than me so most likely we will be similar in height, if not me taller.  It is what it is, I don't think anyone will notice.  But they will notice some rockin shoes!!!
    Posted by buttrflyah[/QUOTE]

    This. That's what happened to us. I shopped for the shoes I loved. In the end you are running around all night and most likely won't be standing next to each other. BUT if it is a considerable difference and it's going to bother you in the pictures, you may want to consider a smaller heel. Thats what happened to my SIL... She towers over her H in the photos.
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    Get what you love (assuming he'll love them too).  But maybe menmtion it to your photographer so that he can do things to ensure that you don't come out taller than him in all of your pictures.
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    No, as long as it doesn't matter to each of you, why should it matter at all?  Plus, if he has dress shoes, there's a good chance those will have a 1/2 inch to 1 inch lift in them.
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    Whenever FI & I go out, I'm usually rocking the heels that makes me a few inches taller than him, and when we got engaged, one of the first things I said (after all the "I'm excited I love you etc) was I'm going to wear heels. He just laughed.

    Our friends do a little light hearted ribbing, but he doesn't mind. And I think most men don't unless they fear it might give them a Napolean complex.
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    Two things:
    1. Would it bother you that in your pictures you will be taller then him.
    2. Would it bother him that you will be taller them him the day of your wedding.

    If neither of these things bother you then buy those gorgeous shoes girl!
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    glad to know I am not alone! I'm also 5'3" and my FI is 5'7" so when I wear heels (which are typically 4 inches nowadays) we're usually the same height...I know I'm going to have a hard time finding shoes because I only want 3 inch heels that dont look grandmaish...I am not a big fan of big heels so I'm not used to them, & I dont want to be taller than him in wedding pics so it depends on you, (like if it bothers you if he's taller than you or not in the pictures).  Also, they have insoles that men put in their shoes & it makes them about two inches taller so that could also be an option =).
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    rlavachrlavach member
    5 Love Its First Anniversary First Comment
    edited February 2012
    I'm 5'6" and my FI is 5'8". In my 5" heels, I tower over him. It's only 3" higher, but I look like a monster next to him! Normally I could care less and I wear my high heels all the time. My FI is a bit bothered by me being taller, but not enough to say anything. 

    I do know that it will really bother him if I'm taller than him on the wedding day. I think it's the stupidest little thing that shouldn't matter and he has never told me to wear flats, but I'm wearing 2.5" heels so that we'll be even. To me, his feelings (although I believe they are unwarranted) are more important. 

    Plus, I have arthritis in my ankles, so I can only go so many hours with heels on anyway, so why should I drag my dress for the rest of the night?
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    ginabean82ginabean82 member
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    edited February 2012
    Id say go for it!  Reading all these post though made me with I had this problem!  I'm only 4'10 and HATE wearing heels!  I live in flats!  But I am a little self conscious about my height and will be wearing 4 inch heels because my fiance is 5"8 and the height difference is so much that it would look awkward if I didn't wear them!  (it will look like Mutt and Jeff lol)
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    So glad I'll never have this problem. I'm 4'11 and FI is 6'1.  So even in 5 inch heels he still towers over me. Wear the shoes you want. No one will notice.
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    Does anyone know where to buy nice flashy flats/sandals to wear with my wedding gown. I do not want to wear heels because if I do, i will be taller than my fiance. 
    Ive tried the mall and some online but maybe you guys could guide me to a website or store. 
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    Does anyone know where to buy nice flashy flats/sandals to wear with my wedding gown. I do not want to wear heels because if I do, i will be taller than my fiance. 
    Ive tried the mall and some online but maybe you guys could guide me to a website or store. 
    Best to start a new thread with your question than to resurrect a post that is over 2 years old.  Good luck!

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