New Jersey

Opinions on Online Dating Sites

Out of curiosity, did anyone meet their future husbands thru an online dating site? Any opinions on which one you would recommend:, EHarmony, Cupid...? Any tips on how to use it safely and wisely? Thanks for your feedback!

Re: Opinions on Online Dating Sites

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    FI and I met on Jdate. I got pretty lucky because he was my first and last date off of the site. We talked online for about a week before we met up. My best advice is to meet in a public place for the first few dates. Some of my friends who are not Jewish have had luck on match. I think okcupid attracts a crowd more interested n hooking up than a serious relationship. I think of it as being just about as safe as meeting someone at a bar. No matter what you never really know if they are trustworthy at first! I would say the majority of my friends have met online at this point and so far so good! Hope that helps :)
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    I met DH on!!

    Here is what I tell people fill out your profile honestly and completely dont leave anything blank.  Only look at guys who have filled thiers out the same way.  If someone isnt a 100% match dont be afraid to chat with with. DH was out of my age range by 1 year. :)  When agreeing on dates, start with drinks or coffee first, never commit to dinner or a long event first time out. Tell your bff where you are going and have her check in at one point of the time.  Relax and be yourself!
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    I also met DH on match!

    I was very picky about who I'd go out with.  I usually talked to them about 3 or 4 times before even mentioning getting together.  I know some people just exchange one e-mail and meet up by I like to see if they're crazy first, lol.  I was on match for about 8 months and during that time only went on 4 dates, one of which was DH.  Like danes, we went for our first date just as drinks, so if there wasn't a connection, it was easy to get out of there.
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    I met my FI on Match 5 years ago.  He lives 15 minutes from me but our paths probably would never have crossed otherwise.. so I think online dating really opens up your options.

    Danes has good advice and I would have said the same thing. 

    I only met a few others guys off of match prior to meeting my FI and most were total weirdos and one was a stage 5 clinger.  I feel like online dating is the same as any other kind of dating... just don't be stupid.  :)
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    I met my FI on Craigslist.

    I would not recommend this but somehow, someway, before all the freaks showed up...I found love.

    I tried all of the sites...match, plentyoffish, okcupid, even JDATE (and I'm not jewish!)...I agree with all of the previous real and be open!
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Opinions on Online Dating Sites</a>:
    [QUOTE]I met my FI on Craigslist. I would not recommend this but somehow, someway, before all the freaks showed up...I found love.
    Posted by GiGiV2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>Hahaha this is awesome.  I'm glad you aren't recommending it, but definitely happy it worked out for you!</div>
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    We met on Eharmony! 

    I'm still pissed he was "more expensive" than I was. My membership rate was twice what his was! lol
  • Options here.  I completely agree with Kristen8040 and Danes983 - you can't take it too seriously and need to be open minded.  A few conversations beforehand and one drink/coffee for the first meeting was my limit.  The bartender in the bar across from my office certainly saw me there a lot - lol. 
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    Eharmony worked for FI and I.  Dont get turned off by the long questionnaire.
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    My best friend met her husband on EHarmony. They were each other's first and last dates.
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    I think it's a good way to meet people.  My only advice would be not to make it your life.  It seems like a lot of people have this as their only social life, and they tend to get dissolved in it.  Ebay syndrome kicks in, all of a sudden with such a large dating pool, everyone wants everyone else, or at least to see what "could" be better out there.  Of course there are exceptions, but this has been my observation among my friends that are doing it.   Some of my friends have met 50 people so can't find one person worth dating out of 50 AFTER you prescreen them AND see a picture?

    I think Hoboken is a good example too......why are their so many single 30 somethings there, when it's the dating pool capital of NJ.
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    I met my husband on myspace five years ago. LOL I should say that the only reason I responded to him was because from his profile he seemed like a "normal" person, rather than one of the typical weirdos who normally send random girls messages. I saw we had common interests (the NY Rangers) and he was going to school for his MBA, so I figured he might actually be a normal person. The convo started off talking about hockey (I come from a family who eats, breathes, and sleeps hockey) and the next thing I knew I was running downstairs to tell my parents I found the guy I was going to marry on myspace.  LOL True story...
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Options for me and my fiance!!   I am so glad to see that there are so many others who met this way.  I am sometimes embarassed when people ask me how we met.  I feel better about it seeing how many of you met your FI / H on the internet. 
    wedding countdown
  • Options for me and my fiance!!   I am so glad to see that there are so many others who met this way.  I am sometimes embarassed when people ask me how we met.  I feel better about it seeing how many of you met your FI / H on the internet. 
    wedding countdown
  • Options for me and my fiance!!   I am so glad to see that there are so many others who met this way.  I am sometimes embarassed when people ask me how we met.  I feel better about it seeing how many of you met your FI / H on the internet. 
    wedding countdown
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    I met my FI on I was only on it for about two weeks and he sent me a message. We met in NYC for coffee and the rest was history. Less than 6 months later he was proposing on NYE and we'll be married just shy of a year of meeting.

    We always say, it was the best thing that ever happened to us. We never would have come in contact with each other through normal means. I figured, "I'm a normal person",  just need for there to be one normal man looking for one normal woman. Somethings are just meant to be.
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