New Jersey

Welcome to NJ! FAQs, Vendor Reviews & more!

Congratulations on your engagement and welcome to the North/Central New Jersey board!


Please take a minute to read The Knot Terms of Useclick here


Here is the link to our Vendor Review Websiteclick here

Have vendor recommendations to share?  Email reviews to, and page dp867 to have your reviews added to the site!  Reviews can include your Knottie user name, or they can be anonymous.

** Many thanks to dp867 for updating and maintaining the vendor review website!!! **

Clicky for NJ Knottie Planning Bios.  If you have a link to your planning bio in your siggy, comment in the thread!


Some helpful tips on using this board:


1)  Read through the first few pages to get a feel for the board and how things work here.  You are encouraged to post and ask questions, but do check to see if your question has been asked recently.
2)  The Knot is a great place to share ideas, etc. but it is not a place to conduct business or to promote your business. Please review the rules. This means no offering of free services, copyrighted materials (fonts/graphics), etc.  Vendor posts will be deleted and vendors will be banned.
3)  The ladies and gents on the board love to help, but also do some research beforehand. Google is a great place to start! 
4)  When you are ready to start posting, please do an Intro post and tell us a little bit about yourself!  Your intro post could include your first name, wedding date, engagement story, and any details you’d like to share.
5)  Be careful about posting personal information!  This is a public message board that anyone can read.  For your protection, don’t post your full name, email address or phone number.
6)  Please keep in mind that this is a public forum, and everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.  You can get great feedback here!  Not everyone will agree with you, but any advice offered is generally well-intentioned, so don’t take it personally if someone disagrees with you.


Frequently Used Knottie Lingo (to help navigate those confusing acronyms!)


AE                  Alter Ego

AW                 Attention Whore

BC, BCP        Birth Control, Birth Control Pills

BF                  Boyfriend or Best Friend

BM                 Bridesmaid or Best Man

BP                  Bridal Party

BTW               By The Way

C&P               Copy and Paste

CQTM            Chuckling Quietly To Myself

DD                  Dirty Delete

DF                  Dear Fiance

DH                  Darling Husband

DIY                 Do-It-Yourself

DW                 Destination Wedding

E-ring             Engagement Ring

E-party           Engagement Party

ETA                Edit To Add

FG                  Flower Girl

FI                    Fiance

FILs                Future In-Laws

FBIL               Future Brother-In-Law

FFIL               Future Father-In-Law

FMIL              Future Mother-In-Law

FSIL               Future Sister-In-Law

FTW              For The Win

FWIW            For What It’s Worth

GF                 Girlfriend

GL                 Good luck

GM                Groomsmen

GTG              Knottie Get Together

HM                Honeymoon

HTH              Hope This Helps

IMHO            In My Humble Opinion

IRL                In Real Life

JK                 Just Kidding/Joking

JP                 Justice of the Peace

KWIM           Know What I Mean?

LOL              Laughing Out Loud

LTBM           Living Together Before Marriage

MG               Married Girl

MOB             Mother of the Bride

MOG            Mother of the Groom

MOH            Maid/Matron of Honor

MUD            Made-Up Drama

NWR            Not Wedding Related

OMG            Oh My God!

OP               Original Poster

OOT            Out of Town

PIP              Pictures In Post

PM              Private Message 

                    (Look to the left under “Community Links”)

PP               Previous Poster

PSA             Public Service Announcement

RB               Ring Bearer

RD               Rehearsal Dinner

ROTFL         Rolling On The Floor Laughing

SAHM         Stay-At-Home Mom

Siggy           “signature” that appears at the bottom 

                    of your posts (pictures, tickers, etc.)


Siggy Challenge     optional monthly “challenges” where 

                                  everyone posts an agreed-upon thing


STDs           Save-The-Date Cards

TIA              Thanks In Advance

TK               The Knot

TMI             Too Much Information

TY               Thank You

WP              Wedding Party

WR              Wedding Related

YGPM         You’ve Got Private Message/Mail

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