New Jersey

Oh boy 6 months out

I can literally just see the days flying by, it is just insane. The girls picked out their dresses last weekend and hopefully the boys will get going soon. Today we have to make our next to last deposit, and it is really starting to set in. We are bringing FMIL and her BF to check out the place and to also look at a BYOB for a possible rehearsal dinner spot.

I know as the day inches closer, it will be even more nerve racking, but right now I am trying to just soak it all in,

Hope everyone enjoys this rainy/snowy Saturday. Take care all!
~He is the best part of my day~ Wedding Countdown Ticker image

Re: Oh boy 6 months out

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    Time is seriously flying,  I agree!!

    Where are you looking at for a rehersal?  I need to get on that but everything I've found that I like is SO expensive!  Its like having another mini wedding! 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    How long in advance are you looking to book your rehearsal dinner?  I want to get it reserved now, at six months out, but it's not really up to me.
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    I'm 6 1/2 months out :). This has been the most exciting time for me aside from when we first got engaged! In the past 2 weeks we ordered the bm dresses, FG dress, my dress. Now we're starting to order the supplies for our invites (making them ourselves) and working on details like the programs, escort cards, etc. These 6 months are going to fly!!!
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    FI's mother wanted to get a good handle on places near the reception hall, and since we're from bergen county but getting married in Edison, it's hard to set aside time to go find places. It worked out perfectly for us to bring them with us for our deposit since it wasn't just a trip to try out some food. We went to this Italian restaurant called Serata in Metuchen and it was delicious. They have a regular dining area as well as a party room for about 50 in the back, For Italian cuisine, the prices were very reasonable and the quality of the food was outstanding. It's also a BYOB which makes it that much better.

    I know it's not something we have to rush, but I am glad we were able to find a place everyone was satisifed with, and we have time to work out details and such.

    ~He is the best part of my day~ Wedding Countdown Ticker image
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