Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Uneven BP??

With so few days remaining, I probably should have figured this our weeks ago. Shame on me, etc. :)
I'm having 4 BMs and FI is having 7 (yes, SEVEN) GMs! So, how do all those people walk down the aisle without it being weird? I'm not sure I want to pair up two GMs with one BM, because our aisle might not be wide enough. I don't mind BMs walking alone, but then what do the GM do? Just sort of show up at the altar/arch?
Any help with this would be much appreciated. I've never been to a traditional wedding, so I haven't a clue about any of this! Tongue Out
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Re: Uneven BP??

  • You could have the groomsmen up front to begin with.   We had ours escort two of our grandmothers who are widdows (have been for decades, so it wasn't a sore spot -- and I think they enjoyed walking in on the arm of my husband's cute young friends).  

    You could have the first three walk in alone, and the last 4 escort bridesmaids.
  • Have your GM enter from the side.  Have your BMs walk down individually.

    For the recession, you can pair up GM and BM until BMs run out.  Then you can have the rest of your GMs walk up in a pair and as a single.  No one really watches the whole recession.  Once you and your FI are up the aisle and gone the guests will start gathering their things, talking to one another and getting ready to make their way to their cars or reception area.

  • The groomsmen can all come in at the same time and stand at the front, or you could pair up four of the groomsmen with your four bridesmaids and have the rest of the groomsmen walk alone.  You could also have everyone walk alone, but with 11 people that might take a long time.
  • Avion22's idea will actually work best, I think. My brother is taking care of music, so he won't be able to escort my mom anyway, I have a new stepmom and it would be nice to have her walk down the aisle with everyone, and one of my FI's brothers is a GM, so he can escort my FMIL. Perfect!
    Thank you all for your ideas, though, as I definitely want to have a plan B in case FI doesn't like plan A.
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