February 2012 Weddings

Name Change

Where do I even start at changing my last name on all my things?! I have a feeling its going to be a nightmare.
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Re: Name Change

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    It's not really...You take your marriage license to SS office, then to DL then go to banks and update via mail everywhere else.
    Nichole Tampa, FL BabyFetus Ticker
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    I heard it was pretty easy too. I'm excited to change my name after we're married but I am definitely not excited to have to deal with changing it!
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    edited January 2012
    i ended up buying the missnowmrs.com deal when they had a 'groupon.'
    so far i think it's worth it - they tell you exactly what steps to take, and help you fill out all the forms correctly.

    i figure i didn't want to worry about making a mistake, so it was worth the $
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    start with the social security office after you get your marriage license. then hit the dmv and/or passport office. after that, it gets a lot easier.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    I was worried about this too, but when we went and applied for our marriage license the other day, they actually gave me a print-out copy of the steps I need to take to change it, and it doesn't seem so bad (at least here in CA - I don't know how it works in other states). But I think the first few steps are basically the same everywhere - hit up the SS office, then DMV, and once you have those done you can start changing your bank accounts, credit cards, passport, and anything else where you use your name. the sheet also said to just file taxes under your new name because SS will foward your name change to the IRS automatically. The only one I haven't really looked into yet is changing my name with the school I attend - I'll be getting married just a few weeks into the semester, and I don't know if that totally screws with their system to be changing my name mid-semester or not. 
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