February 2012 Weddings

Wedding Nightmares!

Is it just me? I have been having nightmares about the wedding EVERY NIGHT for the past 6 days! Nothing to do with my FI - but my nightmares include:
Waking up the morning of and forgetting to make a hair appointment
Forgetting to order favors
Everyone getting so wasted that no one remembers anything
Forgetting to pack our bags for our honeymoon
Showing up at the airport without our passports
Getting lost and missing the wedding

I'm dying over here! :) Working a FT job and a PT job on the weekend just for fun, and I just started my new FT job 4 weeks ago - and planning the wedding by myself.. ! It's starting to get a tad stressful!
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Re: Wedding Nightmares!

  • Mine is that my hair girl won't show up (I hooked her up on something for her wedding so she offered to do our hair at a good rate).....

    Also I am loosing one if not both of my toenails and I am praying they grow back in time. One I had to trim half down and it's loose the other I might salvage....Ive lose both once before and the left last year once.....this is NOT what I need with open toe shoes haha
    Nichole Tampa, FL BabyFetus Ticker
  • Mo2T&OMo2T&O member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I was JUST talking about some of the nightmares I've been having about the wedding! I had one two nights ago that my front tooth fell out the day before the wedding and the dentist couldn't fit me in for a week. I haven't been having as many as you though...that's terrible! I hope they stop!
    Time is flying by and I only work one job...it must be really flying by for you since you're so busy!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I was having more nightmares a few months back than I am now. I think it was the stress of still needing to book a few things. Once I got those things booked, I pretty much quit having nightmares. I did have one the other night though, where our venue couldn't serve dinner because someone else was using their kitchen. We just served everyone cake and then they left (also, my venue looked like a high school cafeteria for some reason). After everyone left, we started opening gifts. I got a card from my grandpa, but he accidently got me a birthday card instead of a wedding card. 

    the funny part is though, in this dream I wasn't all stressed out like I was in my dreams a few months ago. I think I'm just so exhausted from wedding planning, working, and going to school that I was like "well, if they can't serve dinner, they can't serve dinner!" haha... even though in real life I'm sure I'd be freaking out A LOT more!
  • I'm having the same nightmares for our vow renewal that I had the first time around. I dream that the wedding day is here and whatever we haven't planned to this point never got planned. I woke up and laughed because a week or two ago, I dreamed we had no flowers and was so angry that I forgot them.
  • Yesterday it was not a nightmare but I did day dream of punching one BM on the wedding day. She has some drama issues and I was over it yesterday LoL. Granted we haven known each other over 20yrs and she is the ONLY person I have ever got into an all out roll on the floor girl fight.
    Nichole Tampa, FL BabyFetus Ticker
  • Well I'm glad I'm not the only one - haha!! But, I am happy to update that I have not had a wedding nightmare in three days :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • SO glad I'm not the only one!!! My latest one involved my FI standing at the alter with a lollipop in his mouth-since the stick was white, it looked like he was smoking! And he refused to kiss me bc he didn't want to take it out of his mouth!

    I also had one where my MOH showed up wearing a wedding dress because she didn't like her dress and she looked better than me!
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