Michigan-Grand Rapids

Inexpensive Ceremony Flowers

Hello again!

I am getting married at the The Goei Center (owned by Eastern Floral) and they have a requirement that I HAVE to purchase my reception flowers through them and they are a bit pricey.  I am looking for a separate, good florist to do me ceremony flowers for cheaper.  Any ideas?  Thanks for your help!

Re: Inexpensive Ceremony Flowers

  • dogsandfrogsdogsandfrogs member
    100 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited March 2012
    The Goei Center is beautiful.  I really wanted my reception there but I just couldn't afford it...so I'm totally jealous :)

    Wedel's is great and probably the cheapest in the area.  That's where I'm getting my bouquets from, and it's where my FSIL got hers.  They're very easy to work with, and will accommodate almost any budget you can come up with while still giving you what you want.

    EDIT: I just realized my geography was a bit off and Goei was in GR and not closer to Kzoo (I looked at too many venues and can't keep them straight anymore!).  My bad!
  • I would try Ludemas. They do an AMAZING job and are very fairly priced. Another place to check is Horrocks. Not many people know that they do wedding flowers and are fairly priced as well. 

    One other option is ordering through Costco or Sams Club. This sounds crazy but I've actually heard that the flowers they provide are very fresh. They don't offer custom arrangement but have a variety of cheap wedding packages or single arrangements.
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