March 2012 Weddings

Siggy Savvy?

Alright my lovely ladies... As we all know.. I'm retarded in trying to figure out how to add pictures to my siggy. (hence why i never follow the monthly siggy challenge..) well! I got my engagment pics back today, and want to add one! or atleast post a few of them for you to see! :)

Baby Boy will be making his way into our life EDD April 5, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker image

Re: Siggy Savvy?

  • mary1217mary1217 member
    edited December 2011
    If you just want to load them into a post you can do that in the box at the bottom next to the spell checker.. Click on it and it will bring up a small window  with a browse button - once you pull up the pic you want and then hit save and the pic will show up in the box you type into, repeat to add multiple pics. 

    If you want to put one in your signature then make a photobucket account put the pic there where is says share pic copy the link for the HTML code go the The Knot to My Knot click My Bio then click Edit My Avatag & Sig scroll down to where it says "Edit my message board signature" and past the code there. 

    I hope this helps - let me know if you have any questions.
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