March 2012 Weddings

Done with the RSVPs

I just marked everyone I have not heard back from as a No.  I gave people a deadline of today - but that was via voicemails/facebook messages and haven't heard a peep. So I figured if I haven't heard from them by now I am not going to.  I am only giving one more person a little bit more time because she responded to me and is just waiting to see if she has a babysitter.  People are so rude!

Re: Done with the RSVPs

  • I'm so done as well. Our RSVP date was last Friday and since then 5 people have backed out!  WTF!
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  • Ours was the 10th. I am so sick of contacting people to see if they are coming.  I would like these people come, but I am not going to beg!
  • I wish I was done. :( I want to just mark 'no' (FIs obscure relatives), but they live close enough to where they'd show up. After calls/texts...we get 'well, if we don't go to Mexico, we'll go to your wedding'. WTF!

    @hoboken- HOW FRUSTRATING!!
  • My RSVP date isn't until tomorrow, but I noticed one of my friends on IM, so I shot her a message asking if she'd sent in her cards. She was like 'I've had a hard time finding a mailbox, it's sitting on my desk. I'm coming and I'm having chicken.'

    I was like 'Find a mailbox, I need that card to keep my sanity.' She works for a company that FOR SURE has mail picked up everyday, so she could just bring it to work. Sheesh.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Done with the RSVPs</a>:
    [QUOTE]I wish I was done. :( I want to just mark 'no' (FIs obscure relatives), but they live close enough to where they'd show up. After calls/texts...we get 'well, if we don't go to Mexico, we'll go to your wedding'. WTF! <strong>@hoboken- HOW FRUSTRATING!</strong>!
    Posted by rebeccaa12[/QUOTE]

    Yeah I know I had to call all of the single people we didn't give guest to and tell them it was now ok to bring someone because we have to meet a minimum of 120 ADULTS.  So right now we only have 118 and 2 kids. I swear I'm so frustrated if I need to fill seats that I have to pay for I'm going to allow my high schoolers to come because some keep asking LOL.
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  • I thought that I was done this weekend as our RSVP deadline was last Friday. This week we've gotten 2 cards (4 guests) that responded Yes.  We assumed that they weren't coming since we hadn't heard from them.  It's so annoying that people didn't respond by the deadline, sigh.
  • Our RSVP date is tomorrow... I am still missing 24 reply cards.  The mail came today, not a single one.  I almost lost it.

    Deep. Breaths.  in... and out... 
  • I've gotten 4 no's after they had responded yes originally. It's frustrating but happens (boo) 1 set was FI's dad & stepmom and they had to back out because of major surgery and he can't travel yet. Breaks my heart...
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  • I had the same problem - our date was the 10th and on that day, we were still missing replies from about 20 people. We got in touch with all of them and if they didn't answer, I put them down as no. Seriously, if you can't return the damn card, at least return a phone call/email/text/FB message!! So frustrating!
    BFP #1: 5/20/12 ~ EDD: 2/20/13 ~ Betas at 221: 5/24/12 ~ Betas at 917: 5/29/12 ~ M/C: 5/29/12 BFP #2: 10/17/12 (13dpo) ~ EDD: 6/29/13 Beta #1 @ 2164: 10/22/12 ~ 1st u/s: 10/26/12 = empty ute Beta #2 @ 7610: 10/26/12 ~ 2nd u/s: 10/30/12 = measuring at 5w6d 3rd u/s: 11/5/12 = HB of 150 ~ 4th u/s: 11/27/12 = perfect wiggly LO! Lilypie Maternity tickers "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end." Image and video hosting by TinyPic Sunshine_zps3fcf529f Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers My Randomness Blog ~ The TTCAL Blog ~ My Wedding Blog
  • I have until March 1 and got 7 cards back today! I was starting to loose hope. I guess everyone has finally made their Spring Break plans and can give me a stinkin' answer!
  • I wish I was done. My date is tomorrow and oh I'm missing 30ish. Somewhere in that range. I know alot of them will not come but it's just the point! Sent back yours RSVP people!!! I didn't know it was so hard to check yes or no!!
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  • Mine is March 1st too.  Looks like we are waiting on 7 couples still.  A lot of FI's friends called/txt'd him to let us know they were coming.  I know those cards will never come back from those guys, so I just wrote them down when they called FI.  But hopefully there are some rsvps in the mail today.
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