March 2012 Weddings

gifts for readers?

Any ideas?  2 women, FSIL and my cousin/godmother.  Probably want to speand about $50.  I tend to be uncomfortable about GCs - they just seem so impersonal, but so far spafinder GCs is the best idea I've come up with.

Re: gifts for readers?

  • Sorry I have no suggestions. Our reader is a nun and will not accept gifts.  I got her a flower for her habit and FI and I are hoping she'll let us take her out to dinner at a later date.
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  • I think a spa gift card would be great!  I would love it!  If not, maybe one of the gift baskets from bath and body works?  There's so many different colors you may even find one that matches your wedding colors!  I have a reader.  I think I'm going to get her a silver pashmina and maybe some Jewelry because she is a diva lol!
  • we did a personalized cookie jar for fiance's Godmother-she likes to bake! I did a frame for my Godmother with a picture in one side and a poem engravedon the other side.

    this site is great for personalized gist so maybe u wil find soemthing on it

    Got both from here

    (I got this frame and change ti to Godparents)
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