This is a sort-of vent... Not that I'm mad, but feel really bad and needed to "talk" with people who understand!
I had a shower in my small hometown this weekend, where our wedding also is. It was lovely and I was humbled by how generous and thoughtful my hometown is.
There were several gifts there from people not invited to the wedding- I guess they had just heard I was getting marriend and having a shower this weekend, and they sent gifts. Some of them were people I would have never thought to invite. But there were gifts from a few people that I would have invited, but the guest list just got too full. So I felt bad enough when I couldn't invite them, and this just made me feel worse!
And on top of all that, there's going to be plenty of room in the ceremony and reception, so it turns out we could have easily accomodated those people

Anyone else going through something like this?