Hi Ladies, My step sister just had her baby saturday night, she is a bm in my wedding...I was just on the phone with my dad and we where just talking about the wedding and stuff and i asked how she was doing, he said good...and that Sunday (day after) she was upset saying 'I am afraid i am not going to be able to fit in my dress, and i am scared to leave baby alone the whole day' (of my wedding) I totally understand where she is coming from, I have a daughter and i certantly would not have wnted to leave her alone the whole day after just a couple weeks after wedding. Anyways, i was thinking about emailing her just letting her know that i would totally understand if she has to back out, and that i would NOT be mad at her. Or do you think i should let her approach me.. if you think i should say something to her, how should i approach it? Thanks ladies (FYI, she leave 45 minutes from me so its not like i can go over and talk to her in person..But i love her and we had our years we didnt talk had our problems but yeah.