So this moning I got a call from Carnival. I answered thinking maybe it was something important about our HM. Well it was a guy at their call center trying t sell me the vactaion protection plan (VPP). At the edn of the conversation he was going to add it to our cruise for us. Didn't even ask if it was ok first. I find that to be very rude, having worked in a call center I know he was just doing his job. I told him he couldn't just do that since FI is paying for the HM and isn't home for me to talk to about it. And no I wasn't going to call him while he was at work for something like that.
Anyway, it got me to thinking about getting the VPP just to make sure we are covered. I was just wondering if anyone who is going on Carnival did get it? Or even if you aren't going with Carnival did you get it to protect your HM on the off chance that something happens?