March 2012 Weddings

Carnival Cruise HM question

So this moning I got a call from Carnival. I answered thinking maybe it was something important about our HM. Well it was a guy at their call center trying t sell me the vactaion protection plan (VPP). At the edn of the conversation he was going to add it to our cruise for us. Didn't even ask if it was ok first. I find that to be very rude, having worked in a call center I know he was just doing his job. I told him he couldn't just do that since FI is paying for the HM and isn't home for me to talk to about it. And no I wasn't going to call him while he was at work for something like that.

Anyway, it got me to thinking about getting the VPP just to make sure we are covered. I was just wondering if anyone who is going on Carnival did get it? Or even if you aren't going with Carnival did you get it to protect your HM on the off chance that something happens?

Re: Carnival Cruise HM question

  • We're sailing with Carnival... we didn't buy it.
    I've never bought any sort of trip insurance ever... maybe I'm just playing the odds, but its never been an issue.

  • My Visa card has insurance to cover both me and my spouse. It covers all the usual trip insurance as well as our health insurance. It even works for vacations by car, so I always top off my gas tank when I cross the border (I live in Canada) to activate the coverage. I booked the honeymoon for both of us on it. As long as we don't get divorced while on the honeymoon, we are both covered.

    One thing to watch with Visa card trip insurance is that most don't cover trip cancellation, which means if you can't even start the vacation, you won't get refunded. I shopped around for one that covers trip cancellation AND trip interruption. We travel enough that it's worth the $99 yearly fee, which I usually get back in points anyway (I got $400 worth this year!).
  • We're going with carnival, and didn't buy it.. I've never gotten trip insurance.. Undecided
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  • We're using Carnival as well and didn't get. I don't usually get trip insurance, even going to another country.
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  • We are doing a Carnival cruise that we booked through Orbitz and they do the same thing. They keep on adding it back on to your invoice even if you already said no and you have to check that you don't want it for it to come off. We didn't get it. It didn't seem to be worth a whole lot and the reviews for it were pretty terrible. I figure I can find a better way to spend $125 and Carnival is pretty good about letting you reschedule (we did last year).
  • Ditto PP. We're on Carnival and didn't buy it.
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  • We're going with Carnival and we are not buying it. Originally we were going to since there was a chance FI's grandmother would pass close to the date but since she already passed we don't need it. We've never purchased trip insurance before either.
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  • i bought insurance through Access America much cheaper than carnival... and i plan i doing the car rental insurance through there as well.....
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