
Last Minute Things???

This is more for former brides- I am trying to stay on top of everything so I don't get overwhelmed right before the wedding...

What are some things that you forgot about until the last minute that could have been done ahead of time?

Re: Last Minute Things???

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    Oh geez, I dunno?  DH almost forgot to get a haircut, I remember that :)  I also almost forgot to get my BC perscription refilled before the honeymoon since I would run out.

    I know my best friend forgot to make arrangements at the pet hotel for her dog until about 2 days before the wedding.

    There wasn't a lot I forgot about since I had massive amounts of lists.  I wouldn't have been surprised if I had a list of my lists to keep better track of things...
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    I'm kind of with emarston.  I was very organized with lots of lists and I got everything done that I could long before the wedding day.  The only last minute thing I had going was making fabric flower pins for the BM dresses.  That was just me being lazy though because it was NOT a fun project for me.

    I think if you just make lists of everything you'll be fine.  It sounds like you won't have any issues if you're already thinking about it!
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