
Dollar Dance Alternative

I am having my reception at the Kellogg Center where shots are not allowed.  Does anyone have any ideas of alternatives to shots for the dollar dance?

I'm also looking for purple pomander balls if anyone is looking to sell or has a good idea of where to find a good deal.

Re: Dollar Dance Alternative

  • emarston1emarston1 member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Are you adament about having the dollar dance?  You could easily get away with not having one.
  • marahstarnmarahstarn member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    I would not care at all if we did not have one but myfiance really does.  I myself feel weird about asking people to drop more money just to dance with us and feel like its a little tacky but I also need to let the fiance have some part in the wedding decisions.  :)

  • edited December 2011
    Do you have a theme for you wedding?  Maybe you could find some small trinket or something to go along with that?  Or beads?  That might be kind of tacky...I don't know, just the first thoughts that came into my head.  Or, it would get pricey, but a glass of champagne or signature drink if you're doing one?  Maybe a piece of chocolate or other candy?

    I'm undecided on the dollar dance...I don't like it, but my Dad is pretty adamant about it.  Anyway, good luck!  Let us know what you decide on!
  • kmwingluvrkmwingluvr member
    edited December 2011
    Okay...this is probably a silly question...but what is this about shots? The only thing I've seen as far as the dollar dance goes is two members of the wedding party hold the money baskets, and take the money. Do some people hand out shots too? Clearly I haven't gone to enough weddings lately :) But yeah, our venue does not allow shots, either.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    someone brought to my attention a great idea for the night. selling 50/50 raffle tickets instead of doing a dollar dance. that way your guest makes out and so do you and your babes :)
  • edited December 2011
    I don't think you need to do shots for the dollar dance. I've seen it done many times, and often times been the bridesmaid handing them out, but we weren't allowed to do it at our location, so we didn't. We still did the dollar dance as normal, other than having the shots, it was fine.
  • kate51485kate51485 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Just don't have a dollar dance.  A raffle is even worse.  Don't make your guests feel like you're charging admission to your wedding.
  • llmw07llmw07 member
    edited December 2011
    If your family is a bunch of sports fans........

    someone gave us the idea of having 2 big jars, one decorated UofM the other decorated at State and people would "bid" on which school/team they liked better! you get to keep all of the profts but which ever team won got to hear their school song.  I have a lot of family coming up from Ohio too, so we were thinking about adding a third jar and decorating it Ohio State 

    My family actually joked with me...because I attended CMU and they said that they would put a little jar out for me. 
  • msmith1983msmith1983 member
    edited December 2011
    thats a really cute idea with the state and u of m jars...i think i may steal that idea:)
  • edited December 2011
    I've never seen shots involved with a dollar dance. Then again, it's been years since I've seen a dollar dance. Personally, I'd opt out of doing it altogether because I think they're tacky, but I understand if it means a lot to your FI. You can easily incporporate some alternative in place of the shots.
  • edited December 2011
    I realize that some people think they're tacky, but that's in the same boat as some people think that just serving beer and wine is tacky. Everyone is going to have an opinion. My opinion is, the dollar dance is fun. My family expects it. It's a tradition! So, if you want to do it, do it however you want and don't think twice.
  • breebride2bbreebride2b member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I have been to a few weddings where instead of the dollar dance they had a bride vs. groom competition. They play a fast song and the bride and groom have to run around during the song collecting money from the people there. The people hold up dollar bills and for every dollar collected they get a hug/kiss. Its really  fun high energy and can involve everyone without the worry of dancing with every guest.
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