
XP FS Square Glass Vases

I have 28 square cube glass vases.  7" tall.  Retail for $8 from Ikea.  I will sell for $6 each or $140 for all.  Check out my bio - for sale section for more information.

Re: XP FS Square Glass Vases

  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:97Discussion:0fd038e8-3e71-4219-8a0f-9b7707f8642dPost:bc8c67e5-7f93-4cfb-9821-16ef23e5e19f">XP FS Square Glass Vases</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have 28 square cube glass vases.  7" tall.  Retail for $8 from Ikea.  I will sell for $6 each or $140 for all.  Check out my bio - for sale section for more information.
    Posted by vicki0508[/QUOTE]

    Do you still have the square vases?  If so, we need 22 and I would give you $100.00.  Located in Brazil, IN. Could easily meet in Indianapolis or Bloomington
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