
Online RSVPs

Hello Knotties! :)

Just working on my invitations and wanted some input...

I set up the online RSVP through my Knot website.  The first draft of my response cards for now says, to paraphrase:

"Please respond by mail or online by XX


To RSVP online please visit our website:

Does this sound like an ok way to include the online option?  Also, has anyone used the knot online RSVP thingy, how'd you like it?


Re: Online RSVPs

  • HippinhipsterHippinhipster member
    edited December 2011
    Well the only thing I can think of is if you do RSVPs by mail and online will you still be putting a stamp on all the RSVPs? You might be loosing a bit of money if you have a lot of invites and people decide to RSVP online
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  • twixinthemixtwixinthemix member
    edited December 2011
    I agree with Hippin.  You'll still have to put postage on all of your envelopes since you won't know who will mail it in, or do it online, so you aren't saving any money in reality.  Plus, having half of the guests RSVP online and half by mail can get confusing.  Honestly, go either or, not both.  And be aware that older family members might not be as tech savvy as you and not be inclined to RSVP online.

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  • cjspencer35cjspencer35 member
    edited December 2011
    I considered the point that it will be a waste of a stamp and the cost of the envelope and card if they reply online, but my hope is that by making in more convenient and giving my guests options - we will actually get more RSVPs and won't have to call as many people.

    I also thought, maybe I could save some money by having 1/2 of the Response Cards printed with only the online option, no envelope, no postage - for the college friends and younger friends & family.  Have the other half printed up traditional and send those out to less tech savvy crowd.  
  • twixinthemixtwixinthemix member
    edited December 2011
    That works too!  How many invites are you planning on mailing?  We sent out 178, and when it came to assembling the invites and stuffing them, if I had tried to keep track of which RSVP card I was sending out, I would have lost my marbles, lol.  But, it'd work if you were doing a smaller guest list, then it definately would be feasible!

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  • edited December 2011
    I'm offering both options. It isn't an isseu of saving money, it's an issue of getting people to respond. The older generation will be more likely to respond by mail, the younger generations by website.

    I'm not using theKnot's RSVP, I'm using's RSVP. It's been great. Some people that got STD's have already RSVP'ed and invites aren't going out for another week or so. My guests are also choosing their dinner options on the response card or online and it's been great to be able to have that all tracked for me by the website.
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  • edited December 2011
    we are doing both and my hope is that people will RSVP when they get the save the date. Now my plan is to still send them an Invite with a response and stamp. I just know some of my friends want to RSVP as soon as they can and I like the fact I can keep track of it online. Also when anyone mails in their card I am going to online rsvp for them just so I have that they are coming. My FI and I are paying for it all and really really need to know numbers because the hall is only making us pay for food... which means our final price is a be deal!
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