First I will apologize for this being long, any typos, etc, I'm on my nook, the touchpad has a mind of its own! Lol
My wedding is in March 2014 and while yes it is a while away, however each month is very crucial to the planning and purchasing of items for the wedding. We have a fairly tight budget but if its broken down over time, we can pull everything together.
My mother passed away in 2006 and my dad lives three hours away, fiance works two jobs, i work, so needless to say I am kind of on my own here. Fiance helps in his spare time but, i was counting on my bridal party. It seems like no one wants to do anything. Ive even emailed them asking if they still want to participate bc it seems like they are all busy, everyone is still in. I understand that everyone has a life outside of my wedding, im just asking for a little help once in awhile,shoot, even pretend to be a little excited. Its getting to a point where i dont want to plan anymore and am not excited about any of this. I dont mean to sound like im whining, ijust needed to vent. Thanks for reading.