
purple and silver wedding

One of my brides maids is looking to rid her basement of all of her wedding stuff. its really nice and she is trying to get rid of it. let me know if you want some of it. i will let her know. its awesome stuff and im buying as much as i can but my colors are brown and orange so not exactily everything will work. :) help a girl out here 

Re: purple and silver wedding

  • Im doing purple and silver. Does she have any tablecloths?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker 66 image Invited
    45 image Are ready to party
  • I'm doing purple, black and silver!!!  What does she have???
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Not sure on the table clothes. she has flowers, roses cali lillies, she has tule and ribbon. flower gril basket liners in purple. and lots of other stuff. if your intresed private message me your email and i can get you hooked up with her so she can get you the info you need. 
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