I have been awake since 4:30 am and am WIRED today.
I had a nightmare and couldnt go back to sleep
Last night i was looking at my parents wedding photo. My mom was super tiny (Shes only 4'11 to begin with) she said she weighed 90 lbs at her wedding. Albeit in a long sleeve polyester 70's dress. But she was so small.
Theni went to bed and had a nightmare i had a daughter and she was flipping through my wedding photos and was liek "mom you were chubby". You know how moms usually get older and their bodies change and ytou think "omg my mom was so small". I was thinner in the dream and my daughter was liek "omg my mom was SO big at her wedding". It was the opposite of how most kids look at their parents wedidng pics and say.
I woke up crying.
Then I went to the gym
and had 3 coffees.
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