hi ladies, I touch in on this board here and there
anyway, I had a long engagement, over 2 years, and my plan was to eat healthy, work out, and hopefully lose 40 lbs over the course of 2 years which seemed really attainable.
I gained baout 50 lbs since meeting my fiance and I felt like I wanted to get back to the point I was at when I met him.
I also thought I was horribly fat and ugly then- and I look back at photos of myself 50 lbs ago and was liek "actually, I looked good-- compared to now!"
I have been a bit overweight my entire life, I would say 20-25 lkbs but at this point in my life I'm more than 75 lbs more than my "average" weight I have been since high school.
I feel horrible about my body and now my wedding is 4 months away.
I know I just have to accept that on my wedding day I will weigh the most of I have ever weight in my entire life, and it keeps me up at night. Literally. I can't sleep or anything. I cry all the time about it
I eat really healthy and I excercise regularly though not as much as I should.....I recently started the couch to 5 k and have been writing down my food, but I really need to kick it into gear.
My shower is a month away and I am terrified to be in photos!!
All my bridesmaids who i know care about me and love me tell me i look beautiful but they are all around a size 4 or 6... so i feel like ever WORSE next to them.
Has anoyne else freaked out about this? I am going to be so embrassed to be in photos, or show my children one day their fat mom.
I feel horrid about myself. I have stretch markss literally ALL OVER the place.
and I feellike i won't feel pretty on my wedding day.
I really want to focus on getting rid of my belly, toning up my arms, and losing weight in my face.
I have considered joining jenny craig from now until August and my mom has offered to pay. Has anyone used this?
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