I was so excited to shop for dresses!!! Or rather I WAS so excited. It has become a complete nightmare. I'm a plus size girl and a very visual person so I have to try on a dress inorder to buy it ( like most people). As you ladies know not every store has every size. Luckily I live in a state that has hundreds of dress shops. So I made a couple of appointments at some stores to see what they have. Now my problem was to figure out who to invite.
My family is riddled with drama. Everyone hates everyone (almost visiously). If I was to try to map it out it would take pages of writing. I get along with everyone (I have my moments with each and I do happen to be closer to some then others). There was also some huge drama with my wedding party that is still on going. UGH.
Now for the problem. Everyone hates everyone right now but everyone wants to go dress shopping with me. (my mom, my best friend, 4 sisters, sister in law, 5 nieces.) They CANNOT get along at all. If I don't invite someone I get holy hell rained upon me.
I've tried to make different appointments and separate everyone into two groups but that only ended up in me receiving scathing emails from one of my sisters because she said I was being so high school clickish about it and my mom freaking out because she thinks i should just leave out one of my sisters and my sister in law. I just didn't want fighting and thought that would solve it.
Damned if I do Damned if I don't. As much as I don't want to do it alone Maybe I should just go find a dress by myself. Anyone have any other possible ideas or should I just go it alone.