
Don't tell the bride

Anyone seen this show?

I'm watching it right now, literally just because it is WR...otherwise I would have shut it off about 10 minutes in. This is so horrible.

What do you guys think?

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Re: Don't tell the bride

  • Never seen it.  What network is it on?
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  • I started watching it last night too... lasted just about 10 minutes before I changed it.  I can't imagine it will last. 
    I watched Big Easy Brides on demand.  This one was HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!!
  • I have to get back on my WR tv shows. I don't like to torture FI with them, and since he doesn't force me to watch sports center all the time, I have to wait til he's not around to watch. And that's not very often. I'm glad we like alot of the same shows, or it would be a battle! lol
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  • I've liked 2oyt of 3 episodes. What kills me Is in each!! Episode I've seen the guy goes cheap on important stuff and barely gives the girl a bachelorette so he can blow big time money on his bachelor party. One guy rented the wedding dress so he could go to Vegas! Not cool to me.

  • I watched one episode and really didn't like it! I thought it was stupid.

    I watched Bridezilla's on demand last night, I haven't seen that show  in months since they took the WE channel off my tv, wow those two girls took the cake!
  • I <3 Bridezillas, it sucks you in the way they have the show set up with the leapfrogging brides per episode.  You HAVE to watch the next episode to see how one bride ends and then you're sucked into another bride and have to watch the next episode...  But alas I no longer have WE so I don't have it anymore and DISH doesn't have on demand.

    I liked 4 weddings and FI watches that with me.  He actually wants me to look into photobooths because of that show.  He likes the scoring at the end and seeing how people come out.  It's so funny how he does the math breakdown.
  • Exactly... not only does the groom cheap out on the important stuff but it seems like he doesn't any idea about what the bride wants at all. Don't you think that the groom would at least have somewhat of an idea? And also don't you think that they would have discussed it at some point? 

    It was just crazy lol. 

    I love Four Weddings. Are they still going to show it?
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I've watched Don't tell the bride a few times. And, for the most part, I don't like it. I watch it for the nosy what dress did they buy thing. ;)

    It bugs me when the groom cheaps out on important stuff aye... I remember watching one where the batchelor party went to Vegas (from the UK) and the bride had a £100 wedding dress, no money for even one round of drinks for her batchelorette, and he chose a poky dark venue (cheap), cash bar... etc... all to fund his trip to Vegas.

    Another thing that sticks out for me is the brides can be really tantrumy sometimes. I mean, I get it. You hate the dress he picked out for you. You AGREED to be on the show, you gave up your control. If you willingly give up your control, sorry, but you don't get to complain. Most guys on the show do the best they can.

    Oh, and when the brides sneak into the bridal stores just to 'try on' dresses... its setting them up to fail. They almost always fall in love with a dress and can't imagine themselves in anything else. Not gonna work when he's picking it.
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