I thought I would pop in with a quick hello! How is everyone? jmo, kendell, ritzy, amethyst, justdance ect!
As for me so much has changed, we have been planning a September wedding for months now, but last month fiance and I though we might be pregnant, when we took the test and it turn out negative and AF came to visit the day after we were both surprisingly sad. We could both tell the other was just really bummed out, then we went and stayed in a little cabin for two days to readjust and while there we decided to move our date up to January 28th and get married in a snowy cabin with a horse drawn carriage and try to conceive as soon as we could! It is a big change for us because we were planning a BIG wedding and thinking of trying to get pregnant January 2013 and now we've cut our guest list down to 50 people and are hoping to be pregnant by the end of February (crosses fingers!)