So I just got back from a lunch time dr appt with my endocronologist. I am def.switching drs. I think hes pretty rude to begin with. He is the only one that actually found my issues with my thryoid but still.
He bascially looked at me and goes "you only lost 10 lbs since you were last here" I looked at him, I was last there 3 months ago.
He said he would have preferred I lost about 25 lbs, and he thinks its doable.
Then he said "do you want to die?" I was really upset. I feel like, I am not on scare tactics.
Then he told me that he thought that gastric bypass ismy only option at this point.
I think thats ridiculous. I explained to him that up until 2010 i was only 10-15 bs overweight and within a year and a half i gained 80 lbs.
I told him i was concerned about this. That i had such a rapid weight gain.
I feel like if i had been obese my entire life and nothing was tried/working gastric would be a last resort. I can't imagine that gastic seems to be his FIRST option. Hello, what about meeting a nutritionist. What about a medicial weight loss center. What about putting me on a weight loss pill like Xenical.
What about wiating like 6-9 months to see how much more weight i lose.
I mean, I have really been watching what i eat/working out a lot. I am overall, besides my thryoid issue, in good health.
I guess i am just in SHOCK that a Dr would recommend a huge surgery to a patient he has known for 3 months and knows that my weight gain was sudden and its not my typical weight.
I;m sorry to vent again today, I'm just so upset.
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