so i just got a text from my MOH and i am pretty much in freak out mode. let me give you a little background. she lived in Ohio and now her and her husband are stationed in California. her hubby was supposed to graduate on oct 25 2 days before my wedding. now he is graduating on the 26th of October and the only flights she can find will get her and her 2 kids here either 2 am on the 27th or 10 am on the 27th and then she has about a 45 min drive to her moms and then another 2 hr drive to where our wedding is.
that being said she texted me today and said that she might not make it if she cant get a flight. i dont know what to do. im freaking out and i really want her here, however i know the cost of flying out for one day. and then flying home just to move. its not fair to her. but i want her here. i told her she needs to do whats best for her and the kids, but we would love to have her here.
please help do any of you ladies have this situation?