
The Landing at Pine Point

Attention all Brides for 2012 at The Landing at Pine Point!!!!!

The venue will be open, is not closing and all events will be done according to your contracts...

The opertaing company will be The Black Tie Company as of April 1.

Cityside events is leaving the venue.

All event pricing, menues and proposals will be honored.

Please them ( Black Tie ) as soon as possible. This is a beautiful will not be changed or compromised with a change in caterers and event planning team.

You will be in excellent hands. 

Please conatact them as soon as possible.

They are friends of mine and they catered my wedding. They can not get the info to contact you. They are trying. 

The Landing wll be better than ever....

thank you


Re: The Landing at Pine Point

  • I am not sure Black Tie?  or The Landing?  I just know it is really happening.
  • Is your wedding reception there? why are you so curious about "going public"?  I saw you posted this question again.....
  • Ohhhhh........I know Black Tie is a very reputable company. I think you will be in good hands, but can't you contact them. I am sure they would let you know.

    Why hasn't The Landing told you? Have you tried calling them?

  • No need to panic....Amy at Black Tie an event planner who did my wedding has been in touch with me.  We became good friends after my wedding. Black Tie will be taking over completley, and be working with all brides who choose to have their events at The Landing.

    Please no worries....I know she said they are planning on catering all upcoming events exacatly as planned.. only better!  

    I am very happy for them...they are a great company!

    erin Laughing

  • But you should call the Landing!~!!!!!    They know they are going, they should have contacted you. Call Them!!

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