
Point Sebago Golf Resort

Hi I was just wondering if anyone had looked at this place or knows anyone who has gotten married there??  I fell in love with it online, and have heard nothing but great things from people who have camped there in the past!!  Any help is appreciated!!! I have an appointment to go see it, but hearing first hand experiences is always better!!! :)


Re: Point Sebago Golf Resort

  • hcorr34hcorr34 member
    Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment 5 Love Its
    edited January 2012
    I can try to get someone to come answer you.

    Edit:  That "someone" was Jessie Wink
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  • I know Jessie already gave you some great information, but I figured that I'd add that I actually used to work there in the restaurant area. I HATED working there. The ONLY good thing that came out of it was that I met my husband (so I can't complain too much). However, I will say that the resort is beautiful. I've heard people who worked there outside of the restaurant enjoyed it, but management could be really frustrating at times (which is evident in what Jessie says as well). I would recommend making sure you follow Jessie's advice if you go with them. Management can be extremely difficult to deal with if you don't know what you're getting into.
  • WOW thank you ladies VERY much!!!!  I have an appointment today (1/4/12) with Ruth...Good to know what I am getting into BEFORE I get there!!! I am so glad I asked and so thankful for getting an answer!!!!  I don't like the idea of drink prices getting hiked up!!! and I did know about the setting up....I wish that I could extend the time frame but like an hour (without the "cruise")...if I'm inviting 200 people how am I supposed to cut that down to 85 people to extend for an hour....ugh!!! oh well we'll see what happens!!! Thank you again and I will keep you posted on how I feel after meeting with Ruth tomorrow!!!
  • Hey I see the flightiness of Ruth!!  We did book our wedding there, because it is literally exactly what I wanted...But I am on top of everything!!  I will have everything in writing and will make sure she understands this is my day not hers LOL!!!  I walked in to our meeting so prepared because of your help!!!  Thank you very much for you help!!!!!
  • That would be great!!! Thank you so much!!!  I have been tossing the idea around, but maybe a picture will sway me HAHAHA!!!!
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