
Any Damage?

Hope you guys are all okay and safe from the storm! My mom said that the actual storm wasn't too bad, but there is a lot of flooding and power outages.

Kind of crazy that I moved to hurricane alley and somehow you guys got hit!

Anyways, hope everything dries out this week for all the weekend weddings!! Good luck and hope you're all safe!

Re: Any Damage?

  • hcorr34hcorr34 member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    From what I've seen on the news, the Rumford area was pretty hard hit.  The storm tracked through Western MA and for a while looked like it was going right up the VT/NH border, so the coast of Maine was barely touched.  We had really high winds, but the ground was dry for most of the day.
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  • edited December 2011
    Right after we got power back on Sunday night a transformer blew outside our bedroom window.  We saw a flash and heard something--couldn't figure out if it was a gunshot or explosion or what.  Luckily the pole and lines didn't fall on our house or car, and the rest of our block lost power again from it, but not us.  My friend in VT posted crazy photos on facebook of the river outside her apartment building, scary. 

    Hope everyone is doing ok!
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