
NWR embarassing moment

FI and I went to a nice older couple's house for lunch (they were hosting something for a rabbinical candidate for their synagogue).  We were getting ready to leave, and I went to the bathroom.  Between washing my hands and sitting back down at the table, I managed to somehow give myself a serious papercut.  It didn't hurt, so I didn't notice until I see all these blood speckles on my napkin, which I was folding up to put on the table.  And then I notice there's blood all over my left hand, which prompts the people at the table to start chiming in with, "it's on your palm," etc.  The hostess ran to get me a bandaid and some handcream (I thought maybe my hands were just dry).  And there were two little girls there that were staring at me and saying how much it must hurt.  Way to cause a scene on my part.  At least the hostess was using paper napkins, as FI pointed out. 

Re: NWR embarassing moment

  • Krista521Krista521 member
    edited December 2011
    Oh no! Sounds like something i would do haha.. like you said, good thing they had paper napkins! 
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