Share your weirdest wedding dream/nightmare! Here is the one I had last night.
I had another wedding nightmare! This time it was post-ceremony, my mother in law had been late and missed the ceremony, the bar was not set up and the bartender was MIA, the music was sucky, and when I went to find my husband (in my dream I was thinking to myself "omg, my husband!" lol) I noticed this guy taking pictures of us from inside the house (we were waaaaaay far away out on a lawn-new technique?) and then I wondered why I hadn't seen my photographers that I love. My FI then tells me they got sick and they sent a replacment. In my dream I dropped to my knees and cried like a baby, right in the middle of my wedding reception! Nevermind that the reception was nothing like the real one I'm planning, and how did I not notice the photographer earlier in the day? lol. These dreams are seriously wacky!
Married 9.4.11