
Monday post - Plans for the week?

plato79plato79 member
Tenth Anniversary 500 Comments
What are everyone's WR and NWR plans this week? 

mine are:
WR - booking the rehearsal dinner place (well, deposit/sign contract) for my in laws; pick out music for videographer; create play/do not play list for DJ; book hotel room for photographer; etc.

NWR - PANIC. haha. Presentation tomorrow, final paper Friday. 
Wedding Countdown Ticker June 3, 2011!

Re: Monday post - Plans for the week?

  • edited December 2011

    My WR plans are get the last save the dates out, figure out what we want for invitations, decide what groom and grooms men are wearing

    Non WR- looking at moving closer to work because of gas prices!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    @Plato, lmao at your NWR plans!  Love it!  My NWR plans are to work, work and more work (ugh it's soooo busy!) and to hit the gym 5 days this week. 

    WR I have yet to decide what I want to work on this week.  There are so many things!  haha.  Maybe we'll start on our invitations since I'd like to mail those in early June.  WOW.  This next 4 months is going to fly!!!
    Married 9.4.11
  • edited December 2011
    WR: Figure out music stuff (we have to look at the planner we need to fill out).  Hopefully finalize our ketubah text so that our family friend who is a Judaica artist can get going.  I also have to reschedule my next dress fitting, which will probably involve me calling the seamstress, her not knowing who I am but saying to come in whenever I suggest. 

    NWR: Figure out how much time I can take off for FI's ex-gf's wedding in August.  Their wedding is in early August, but we got the invite last week, and the RSVP is due May 15th.  That's right around when we hope our guests will be getting our invitation for our July wedding.  Anyway.  Also NWR, we have several vet appointments in the next week and a half for our dog's limp (which switches between her hind legs, it's weird) and a dental cleaning plus tooth extraction.  Plus get mother's day gift together. 
  • plato79plato79 member
    Tenth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Sounds like some good stuff coming up. I will tell has been an epic FAIL so far. I wasn't studying well at home, so I cam to starbucks. I finally got a seat with a table to do work at and I realize I left all my papers at home that I need to finish my project. Thank God for nice strangers - the nice man next to me watch my non-valuables until I could retrieve said papers. 

    Jessica - I am sorry I'm ignorant, but what is ketubah text? 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker June 3, 2011!
  • edited December 2011
    No worries!  A ketubah is a Jewish marriage contract.  I don't think of it so much as a contract in the legal sense but more of a traditional thing.  You can get fairly simple ones or really ornate ones and can custom order.  You sign them before the wedding (depending on your background, but that's when we'll sign) and then our officiant will read it at the ceremony.  There is variation in the Hebrew/Aramaic text depending on how observant and how traditional you want it to be.  Our officiant said that the text that our ketubah artist is fine (i.e. error free), but he'd prefer some changes, so it's just a little frustrating. 
  • edited December 2011
    Oh, and good luck with your presentation tomorrrow, plato!
  • littlefieldmjlittlefieldmj member
    edited December 2011
    WR - Finishing RSVP cards (hopefully tonight) so we can mail out invitations by the weekend.  Finalize what FI will wear for the ceremony, then contact his groomsmen about what they should wear.  Order linens & glassware.  Start the tissue paper pomanders for the aisle.  Finally ask my friend to officiate the wedding.  And there's about two dozen more things to do... But that's what I plan on for this week.  :)

    NWR - Work.  Organize FMIL, FSIL, aunts & cousins to attend my Dad's girlfriend's play this weekend.  Attend cousins final dance recital.  Not freak out about the wedding planning I haven't done yet. 

    Good luck with your to-do lists ladies!!
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  • hcorr34hcorr34 member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    WR - Finish and mail invites!!!  I bought postage today so I just need to finish assembling and I'm set to go!

    NWR - Work, work, work!  Trying to finish up a unit before our 7th graders' big trip to Quebec next week!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • edited December 2011
    WR:  Finish up thank yous from the shower & get those out.  Mail out the next part of payment for the caterer.  E-mail florist to talk flowers some more & DJ to talk about play lists.  Work on seating chart & figure out how many RSVP's we've gotten so far. Begin working on said lobster trap card box..  FIND SHOES! I have a fun lengthy ongoing to do list so we'll see how many checks I can get done!

    NWR:  Work & try to get the energy to join the gym again.  We'll see how that goes.  FI just joined again today and neither of us had been since before Lexie passed away (our kitty), it really through us off.  So hopefully tomorrow!  Or if it's night I'll go for a run!
  • jelenybeanyjelenybeany member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    WR-Finalize the wording for my wedding invitations so my sister can finish putting them together. Start from scratch and plan my entire wedding over (i pretend like I'm annoyed but really i love planning) since I decided to cancel our current venue. Finalize tent rental agreement, shop for shoes, and research caterers.

    NWR-Go through my clothes and donate everything I haven't worn in the last two months. I will also try and get some extra sleep since my baby hasn't felt well, and neither have I. I'm also trying to casually get back into going to the gym and eating better. I'm hoping I'll just sort of accidentally get back into a groove rather than waking up eating nothing but carrots.
  • edited December 2011
    WR: Yesterday I confirmed the hair stylist for the big day.  7 girls and travel is anly going to cost me $261! Awesome in my opinion!

    Later this week I am mailing out the check to the girl making the groom's cake for the RD.

    Last night we finalized our invitation wording and we will probably begin printing those at the end of the week/beginning of next.

    NWR:  I have a 50 hour work load this week on top of the last week of classes, making me with this week would just end already!
  • plato79plato79 member
    Tenth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Jessica - I love that idea. I wish that I could do one! And, thanks for the well wishes - I just finished. SO relieved!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker June 3, 2011!
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