
Paper Lanterns Ideas

I love the paper lanterns look but I'm really on a budget.  Is anyone doing that (or know anyone who has)?  I'd have to buy a lot of lanterns, and I'm just wondering if anyone has pulled it off successfully.  I'm worried that it might be a lot of money/work for a mediocre look.

Also, my reception is in a church gym.  I would hang the lanterns using fishing wire from the walking track (unless someone has a better idea!).

Re: Paper Lanterns Ideas

  • jennifer.puhrjennifer.puhr member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thank you!!!  You have been such a big help.

    No, it's in the afternoon, so they don't need to be lighted.  I agree, that'd make it more difficult than it has to be.  I just wanted to hang them.
  • edited December 2011
    I am making my own... if you need the directions just send a PM and I will send them to you!

    Good luck!
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