
Engagement Stories

I love to hear engagement stories!  Share yours here!

When did he propose?
Anyone else present or just you two?
How did he propose?
What was the most memorable/unique moment?
Anything else you want to share about your engagement?
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Re: Engagement Stories

  • tdh123tdh123 member
    edited December 2011
    I got engaged June 16th of this year to my boyfriend of almost 4 years at Orange Beach, AL. We took a trip down there with his parent. that night around 11 pm he asked if i wanted to go walk on the beach and of course I did. We were walking along just talking and up ahead there was something glowing. He had a flash light and asked what that was. As we walked closer I could see it was glow sticks stuck in the sand. They were in the shape of a heart with "marry me" written in it. It was so sweet! He did such a good job. After I said yes everyone who was out on the condo balconies started cheering, clapping and congratulating us! Best day yet!!
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  • vbs2010vbs2010 member
    edited December 2011
    That was so Sweet!  I teared up reading it!!!!  I didn't see that I have not shared mine, so here it is:

    We were engaged June 25, 2010.  We had been dating for 11.5 years.  (Middle school sweet hearts) This was our 5th year to direct Vacation Bible School at Church.  I have been a goofy character every year and always dress the part with some silly hair style.  One year I had a pink wig, another a very tall (teased) faux hawk, and this year I had the Pippi Longstocking Pigtails sticking straight out.  Well, my FI had all the kids (and adults) do their hair silly on the last day as a fun thing to do.  That was also our graduation night for the kids. 

    Right after I came out and did my skit, I stayed up there to do songs and ad lib with whatever he says.  He had all the kids hug their leaders and then started talking about if they had anyone they loved.  He told them that one day the little boys would find that little girl they liked and would fall in love and one day get married.  All the kids were going "Eww!" Of course, we all laughed. 

    Going on behind me was a slide show of pictures of the 2 of us.  I happened to turn and see that and that's when I started to think this was more than the opening ceremony.  I turned back around and my FI was down on one knee asking me to marry him. 

    When people asked the kids what they learned that week, they said that we had gotten married. LOL  I loved it and am happy so many people were there to have seen it.  My fave part was that all the kids ran up to us to hug and congratulate us.
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  • edited December 2011
    OMG! I know this is like a hundred years later, but I so wish this were facebook so that I could like that! That is so special and I am so happy that your FI involved the kids that you obviously love! Where better to get engaged than in a church? Perfect! (I'm trying not to cry at work!)
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