
Hairstylists & Make-Up

I'm trying to see if I want to go somewhere the day of and get my hair and make-up done, or have the stylists come to me.  My wedding will be in Magee, MS.  I am not local so I have NO clue whats around.  Anyone have any experience/recommendations for a hair stylist or make-up artist??

Re: Hairstylists & Make-Up

  • Hmmmmm, the deal with Magee is that you're about 45 minutes from any sort of city (smack in the middle of the trip from Jackson (capital city) to Hattiesburg (college town)). I'm sure there are places in Magee to get your hair done, not sure about make-up, but you probably would have to ask someone you know that's there, I doubt it'd be on yelp or anything like that. I just say that because it's hard to find things reviewed in most of MS online. 

    Do you have anyone you know there who you would trust to put you in touch with someone? Your best bet will probably be to try to talk to someone in Jackson about coming to you (I'm probably getting my make-up done by someone at the Sephora there) and maybe try to look up a hairstylist. You also could see if anyone you know there goes to Hattiesburg to get hair done or find someone at a cosmetics counter at the mall there. 

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