Who knew deciding on colors would be so tough?!? I just CANNOT make up my mind. I am getting married April 2011, a spring time wedding. I have gone back and forth between so many colors. One color always remains though and that is AQUA.
First, I thought I wanted AQUA, BLACK and WHITE but then I thought that was too common and I wanted something different. Not to mention I am from MS and wanted somewhat of a "country"/"homespun" wedding.
Then I was researching and found AQUA and RED!! Totally fell in love with that. Had basically made up my mind then I thought about my church..... In the sanctuary of my church there is all this blue-green carpet on the floors, pews and half of the walls. I dont want colors that would clash. I also thought AQUA and RED might be better for an outdoor wedding.
Someone please help me to ease my mind. I obviously need help!! haha