
Indecisive Bride!

I am the type of person who proscrastinates in almost everything I do, but I don't wanna proscastinate with ideas dealing with my "Big Day".  My wedding is next September so I am giving myself plenty of time to get everything just right.  I need advice on outside weddings.  I would love to have one but can't seem to find the perfect spot.  I live in Mississippi, (bordering the Louisiana State line) and would love reccomendations on venues in these two states.  I was also playing with the idea of having it at home (since my family owns alot of land), or a destination wedding but I can't decide if either would be cost-efficient and I have no idea how to get the ball rolling with ideas.  If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks.

Re: Indecisive Bride!

  • rchaversrchavers member
    edited December 2011
    When you say Mississippi bordering LA exactly what town are you talking about? What town does your family live in? I grew up in Picayune so I consider that MS bordering LA. My family lives 45 min outside of New Orleans and that is where I am getting married. If you options are in this area let me know and I will try to throw out some ideas for you.
  • tgaulden03tgaulden03 member
    edited December 2011
    Sorry, I should have specified.  I live in Wilkinson County, it's southwest Mississippi.  It is 50 miles from Baton Rouge, La.
  • rchaversrchavers member
    edited December 2011
    I got ya... well I know nothing about that area so I will be no help! Sorry!! Good luck with your planning! It will all come together.
  • jessienetjessienet member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    i'm from the same area
  • edited December 2011
    My husband and I were married outside at Providence Hill Farm outside of Jackson, MS.  It's a beautiful location, but may be a little far from where you are...  
    A friend of mine was married outside of a planation in New Orleans.  There are a few of them around the Mississippi River.  I have no idea about cost, but it was definitely a wedding to remember!  Good luck!
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