July 2013 Weddings

Don't know what to do...

I previously posted about finding out that I'm pregnant, which would make me about 7 months pregnant at the wedding.  I have stressed and stressed all week about what to do about the wedding and can't decide.  I need a vote!!

1--keep the wedding on July 7th even though I probably won't be able to fit into my dream dress that Is non-refundable and we won't be taking our dream honeymoon to the Dominican :(

2--move the wedding up to April even though it will most likely be too cold to have outdoors as planned and won't make a difference for the honeymoon plans and probably won't fit into the dress at this point either

3--push it back to next summer even though we will have to pay our venues 2014 price (TBA) and will have to endure the wait and the negative views of having a baby before marriage!!
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Re: Don't know what to do...

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    i say do what is comfortable for your family.  dont worry if u decide to push wedding back what others think about baby before marriage.  its your family
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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_july-2013-weddings_dont-know-what-to-do?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:a322ad2c-25cd-4d52-b123-096e1e4ecda5Discussion:2ed3dd99-e2fe-424c-b594-0cc5eef6714fPost:cd4e747e-09de-48e8-bde4-ddf9fc3ebfc4">Re: Don't know what to do...</a>:
    [QUOTE]i say do what is comfortable for your family.  dont worry if u decide to push wedding back what others think about baby before marriage.  its your family
    Posted by southerncutie[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>This. Everything you listed above is fine. 

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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.weddingchannel.com/main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_july-2013-weddings_dont-know-what-to-do?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding Club BoardsForum:a322ad2c-25cd-4d52-b123-096e1e4ecda5Discussion:2ed3dd99-e2fe-424c-b594-0cc5eef6714fPost:cd4e747e-09de-48e8-bde4-ddf9fc3ebfc4">Re: Don't know what to do...</a>:
    [QUOTE]i say do what is comfortable for your family.  dont worry if u decide to push wedding back what others think about baby before marriage.  its your family
    Posted by southerncutie[/QUOTE]

    I agree. While probably not how you planned it, a baby at ANY time is a blessing!! Plus imagine you little girl being wheeled down as flower girl, or your little boy as ring bearer!!! How sweet and cute!!!

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    I say don't move it up. You're going to be stessed enough with being engaged and pregnant (congrats!!!) everyone will understand the situation re: baby out of wedlock. you guys are already planning a wedding! so it's not like FI will ever be a "babydaddy." I would move it to next summer, so you can focus on your new little baby planning (you're already two or three months! think of all the new pinterest boards you get to explore!) or just keep your date! whatever you decide, you're getting married and having a baby so remember to enjoy how wonderful those things are!
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    Everything the other girls said. If you still want to have your dream wedding with your dream dress and dream honeymoon, push the date back until after baby comes. If you value being married before baby comes then push it up. This is a decision for you and FI to make, don't worry about what other people think!
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    If it is important to you and FI to be married before your baby arrives, then I would either push it up or consider going to the courthouse now and having a reception later.  My FI and I have a 3 year old son (that was planned) and we are just now getting married. We both had a lot of family members that didn't necessarily agree with our decision, but we made it clear that we didn't really care what they thought because it was the right choice for us. Now they all love our son dearly and are excited to celebrate the wedding. Bottom line, do what's right for you.

    With that said, as someone who went through pregnancy myself, I would advise against trying to plan a wedding while pregnant. For the first and third trimester, I felt the most tired I've ever felt in my life and could barely get through my work day. I was lucky in that I didn't have morning sickness, but many do. For those reasons alone, I would hesitate to try to push a big wedding up to April. Assuming this is your first baby, you probably won't be showing by then though, so you will probably fit into your dress.

    Good luck in making a decision and focus on the fact that you are going to be a mommy!!  It's the greatest thing in the world.
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    Thanks for all the wonderful advice everyone!!  Today I feel like my head was a little clearer and I'm closer to figuring it out.   I don't really want to wait to get married and our venue came back and said that the owner won't allow us to move it to next year so we would be out $2750, yikes!!!  For most of the day I was just planning on keeping it in July but then started realizing how absoluetly huge I wll be and I don't want to worry for months and months how big I'm getting.  So as long as we can get all of our vendors available on the same day in April I think that's what we will do.  It will be tough but very worth it!! :)
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