July 2013 Weddings

January Siggy Challenge

Hello Ladies!

Sorry I have been MIA for the last week or so. . . we were back in Michigan visiting our family and friends and didn't take our computers. It was a nice break! :) 

We decided this months siggy last month, so this will be easy. . . 

SHOW US YOUR ICE! Find one of those first excited pics you took, one of your engagement pics might highlight it, or take a new one and show off that sparkler you are so lucky to wear every day. :) 

Re: January Siggy Challenge

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    Can you quickly instuct us on how to make a siggy? Thanks. 
    Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Fitness goals tickers
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    I usually make mine in MS Paint so I can crop it and add the words on top of it. Save it to your photos, desktop, or wherever. . . and go to http://tinypic.com/ and upload it there. 

    Once you've uploaded it there, it will give you an "HTML for Websites" code. Copy that. 

    Back on TK, you'll see a link under "Community Links" that says "Update Signature" 

    You may already have your ticker there. You can click right in front of it and hit enter a couple times to move it down. Then, just paste the HTML code from TinyPic in the box and click "Save my Signature". 

    Hope that helps! 
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    Thanks for the info, I've always wondered how to do that :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker BabyFruit Ticker photo boygirl_zps7b73636b.jpg
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    ladies, we're half way there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Finally!!  I also added a link to the picture that brings you over to RingEnvy.com which has the ring's specs and the engagement story. /shameless plug

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Yayy! :) I love my ring pics from my engagement pics!
    Daisypath Vacation tickers
    July 2013 Knotties March Siggy Challenge - Accessories!
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