September 2012 Weddings

Thank you note question

My coworkers (none of whom we invited to the wedding) pooled together and got DH and me an AmEx gift card for $220.  I was floored by their generosity.  About 10 of them signed the card it came in.  Do I write individual thank you notes to them?  I want them to know I appreciate it but I am worried about 2 things...1. not repeating myself over and over again (though I doubt people will sit there and compare thank you notes) while saying more than just a thank you because it is hard to say anything about a wedding they weren't invited to.  and 2. I can't read one of the signatures on the card!  I don't know how to handle that at all and obviously would hate to give everyone but 1 person a thank you note or give a note to the wrong person. 

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