September 2012 Weddings

XP Weekend Fun! PIP

My brother, SIL, SIL's 2 younger brothers (10 and 12) and niece (2) came down for the weekend. I have a few pictures to share :)

They are still here. There is a big summer carnival in town, and fireworks tonight. They will head back home after the fireworks (they live 6 hours away if the traffic is good).

Here's FI giving her a ride on the tractor:

We bought the boys water guns to play wtih, and set up a bin full of water for filling the guns up. Apparently my niece decided she liked sitting in the bin more than the kiddie pool that we had set up for her:

On Sunday we went to the local beach to build sand castles. Here's my niece and I busy filling the one bucket:

Then today I had to run to Walmart to grab some stuff for the house (cat food and the like), and so I went with SIL and my niece while the boys stayed home. While we were there my niece wanted nail polish  so I picked her up a pink nail polish on sale. We got back to the house and she decided she wanted to paint her Uncle's nails (FI):

What a great weekend, I so wished they lived closer!!!! She's one of my flower girls as well I should add. Her birthday is 2 days after the wedding, and my 2 year old nephew's bday is the day of the wedding so we are celebrating their bdays at the rehearsal dinner, but its a surprise to them and their parents :)

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