I had gotten info from my vendor about room block pricing for the weekend of my wedding. I thought the prices were a little high but hadn't done any of my homework on competing hotels in the area so I let it go for another day. Well, I did my homework and my venue/hotel was $20 higher than the nearest hotel a block away. I was so annoyed but working in customer service I knew that there is always a way around pricing, its never absolute. I actually ended up setting up a block with the hotel a block away just because you can never have too many rooms, so if anything I'll cancel if they aren't used. I called my hotel and asked them more than once if that was the best rate they were able to offer (I even asked for the manager before going into anything with them). They told me there was no way they would be able to go any lower on the price and I was disappointed. After being really nice and polite and trying to get them to come down, I simply said "Ok thanks so much for trying, I think I'll have to cancel the block and just go with the Comfort Inn since they're offering me this price". Well, wouldn't you know it?? She put me on hold and when she came back on the line she was able to get her single rooms within a dollar of the other hotel and the doubles are only $5 more now.
I'm ranting because they shouldn't make it that difficult and I'm annoyed. But I'm raving because I'm super happy I was able to maintain my cool and come out with good results for my room block. A little persistance and patience does pay off sometimes!
Anyone else have any rants or raves to share for the day?