When we moved back to FL from VA back in November we needed to get our bearings so we moved in with my parents. Then FI took a job out of town so we didn't see the point in getting a place for me to live alone. Now FI has no job so we can't afford our own place. We aren't even breaking even on the rest of our bills to throw in rent, utilities, cable, etc. FI is beyond over being in my parents house. I get it...I really do but I'm at a loss of what to do. Fi and my dad bump heads sometimes because they have different personalities. We are confined essentially to my little room. And to top it off my parents are trying to sell the house so every so often they give us less than 24 hours to have to have the room spotless because someones coming to see it and the room just doesn't fit two peoples things (and we are on the messy side). I get they are helping us out and don't want to be ungrateful but I feel so stressed being in the middle of it and with FI getting so pissy. He's waiting to hear from a police department and has a decent shot but even once he gets a job moving is expensive and I feel like he wants to just get out without thinking thru the financials of it. I'm really supportive of his police dream but when he gets pissed at being in my parents house, sometimes I just wana say "Well, you're unemployed so what do you expect? We are lucky we aren't homeless." Carrying all the financial burden is really weighing on me and most the time he's aware but sometimes he just gets frustrated and rants. And on top of it making me feel more financial stress it is an odd position because he's frustrated with my family. Ugh thanks for reading. Just had to get that off my chest before I talk to FI about it