Hi Ladies!!!
My FI and I have everything planned for the wedding with the color purple. Nothing is ordered yet, invitations are "proofed" but not ordered, BM dresses are picked out and paid for but going to be ordered till March. I have picked out my cake but not ordered.
Now here is the problem we were going to do Black Tuxedo's and about a month ago my FI and I said what about grey, we thought grey with dark purple would look nice.
Last week my FI said to me, now that we are going to do grey Tux what about changing the color to Navy. I love Navy but I hate blue and black so that is why Navy was out of the question. Now that we are doing Grey Tux Im torn.
Do I change everything to Navy or leave everything as is with the purple...
One thing I could not find was a bouqet that I like to match the purple dresses, and the first thing that came to my mind with navy is I could do orange, yellows, etc and it would match perfectly (or do you think that is too summery for a Sept wedding)
Please help!