September 2012 Weddings

Choosing a honeymoon makes me not want to go on a honeymoon

ladies, i've just about had it with honeymoon planning. i've been researching options and ideas for months now and fi and i cannot agree on a place.

we think we're going to go with a cruise because i really wanted multiple locations (get bored easily) and he likes the idea of not having to worry about where to find food/moving our bags/etc.

he's officially vetoed my european cruise option. saddddd.

we've mutually decided to nix an alaskan cruise because we will totally do that for a normal vacation.

we're thinking a caribbean because it's cheaper, closer and i can still get my fix of multiple locations.

have any of you been on cruises that you loved/hated? we're particularly interested in southern carib options to reduce hurricane risk but i'd be interested in hearing any and all experiences. help!

Re: Choosing a honeymoon makes me not want to go on a honeymoon

  • I COMPLETELY understand that, that's why I am happy that FI took it over with him and our friend who is a travel agent. That way it will just be a surprise vacation for me, I just know where we're going, Cabo lol
  • hey missowl!
    FI and i are likely going to napa valley and he really, really wants to go to yosemite for a couple days but it's a 5ish hour drive from the napa area and so we're debating about whether it's worth the stress of trying to get there when we only have 6-7 days of a honeymoon and will be driving between san fran, napa and sonoma as it is. so, i completely understand your stress.

    as for advice, i went on a cruise a few years ago with my family that went to costa rica, panama and belize. we had SO much fun ziplining in the costa rican rain forest, visiting the panama canal (kinda dorky but it was neat!) and snuba-ing (a mix between snorkeling and scuba diving) in belize. highly, highly, highly recommend!
  • oh gosh, i'm so sick of debating our honeymoon, and we're between two options in the same location at this point. i just want to book it and be done with it, but neither of us can make up our minds. i really wish i had sat back and told Dan to plan it himself, but we always make our decisions together so it just felt weird to me, i guess.

    as for the cruise, it sounds like a great idea! i've only been on one cruise before, so i'm really not much help. i'd definitely recommend royal caribbean though.
    Happily married since 9/1/2012!
    The Whimsical Wifey
  • We are in the same boat. (haha that was a pun and I didn't realize it til after I wrote it!) We can't agree on what to do. I think our issue more is preference of climate. He likes it cold. I like it hot. I want a beach vacation. He wants to go to Canada.

    We too are considering cruises. I've never been on one, but I highly recommend going to a travel agent. They will be able to address all your concerns and probably make some great suggestions for options that would work for both of you.

    We are going to go to a travel agent next month for those same reasons. The great thing about travel agents is they can usually get you special rates, and my understanding is that you don't actually pay them. They just get a percentage of your cost back from the hotels and airlines for booking them. I could be totally wrong on that.

    If you have AAA, they have great travel agents that are included in your membership fees!

    Good luck!
  • I feel your pain.  We cant decide between which cruise to take.  There's a 12 day Norwegian, one that goes to Italy and Greece like I want, but we aren't crazy about the ship.  We would save a lot of money if we went on this one as well with a better room.

    Then there's a 12 night Royal Caribbean, but it does not go to Greece and we'd be pretty much at the bottom of the ship.  Deck 3 which freaks me out.  It's a much better ship, with lots to do, but we feel like the poppers from the titanic. 

    We cant agree and we need to put a deposit down tomorrow or we lose our show prices.
  • I am going on a cruise too!  We are doing an eastern carribean cruise with the royal carribean, the only two other boats I've been on were norwegian and carnival.  Carnival is kind of your younger crowd, and norwegian is nice because you can eat whenever you want!
  • FI and I have done two cruises together already and we love it.  The convenience of unpacking once and never having to worry about food or anything like that is amazing.  I've never done a southern carribbean cruise but it's on our list of places to go.  We're doing the european cruise because we figure it's going to be one of our only chances to do it for a long time.

    Just make sure to include in your honeymoon budget the cost of drinks and additional dining options on the boat, you won't believe how quickly a glass of wine here and a bottle of beer there can add up. And the cost of excursions for the ports that you'll visit, there are a lot of reasonably priced options but some can get pretty costly. 

    Good luck choosing!  It was one of the hardest decisions we've hit so far but it's a huge weight off your shoulders once it's finally booked.
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  • I have no advice but I wanted to let you know I totally understand.
    We're in no rush at this point to book anything seeing as we won't be travelling until next winter, but it's still a PITA. If I had all the money in the world, I'd say Turks and Caicos hands down but that's not gonna happen. And sadly, everything else just doesn't measure up in my mind. Wow, I sound so high maintenance lol. I wish I'd never come across Turks in my searches....
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  • We are also having issues booking the honeymoon. We both want it to be special, but can't agree on what would be perfect. We have gone back and forth on many ideas and have decided to shelf it for the week.

    As for a cruise we were just on our first in December. It was a Carnival ship and it was to too many kids for us at this time in our lives. I would cruise again just NOT carnival.  I am not sure if this applies for all ships but the formal dinning room had an assigned time for dinner and I would have paid extra to go anytime we wanted (for many reasons PM me if you are curious).  Budget for all of the drinks, gratuities, and excursions, they really add up fast and it was something we argued about that should have been discussed before the trip. As for location of your room, we went with another couple for vacation and they got a room with a window and we didn't. I would not pay more for the window. I would pay more for a balcony. As far as the position on the ship You want to be close to the stairs or elevator we were on a lower floor and that didn't bother me. Hope some of this information helps other people.
  • thanks ladies. it's lovely the hear the great advice but also really nice to just hear that i'm not alone in this annoyance.
  • Hubby & I try to cruise @ least once a year... our favorite spot is Cancun. We just realy love the beaches there!
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