September 2012 Weddings

What to write on the invite....

I figure this is going to create a stir with my families so I might as well get all parties thinking about it. That's what happens with both my FI & my parents are divorced and all remarried. Now I have 4 sets of eyes besides my FI & I looking over the invite. 

So here's my first attempt and I need the asisstance of my lovely September Brides. 


Together with their parents




request the honor of your presence

at their wedding

Saturday, the eighth of


two thousand and twelve

at four o’clock in the afternoon


______ County Club


____ Golf Course Drive

City, CA Zip Code


Reception to follow




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Re: What to write on the invite....

  • Perfect wording for a bride & groom with multiple sets of parents. The only names mentioned are B&G, so NO ones feelings can be hurt!!!  Laughing
  • Perfect! That is what I am having on my invite and  no one's feelings get hurt!
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  • That's perfect!  My parents claim they don't care but I think they want their names which means I will be putting FI's parents (divorced) on it.  I hope it wont look too busy!
  • edited March 2012
    That's what mine is going to look like. Same date as well wedding twin!!!
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  • Starfish0116Starfish0116 member
    edited March 2012
    Technically the person who is hosting the wedding is who is on the invite.

    I feel your pain though, FI and I both have divorced parents, and each of us has one who is remarried. My dad is footing the bill for most of the wedding (we're making up the rest) and I feel it's only right that he and my stepmom be listed on the invite. I have a feeling my mom (who is not super involved in my life) will be offended BUT...she's not paying for the wedding. 

    I just think listing both my parents and both his parents is too much. FI doesn't really like "together with their families"  because he feels my dad should be listed.
  • I am lost on what to put. We are footing the entire bill for the wedding, and my dad is deceased. My parents and his really have had no part in planning, paying etc so I don't feel as if they should be on the invite as they are not hosting? I hate this part.
  • I think "together with their families" is better. "parents" is a little awkward I think. It should also be "request the pleasure of your company" since it's not a house of worship
    September 2012 Siggy Challenge: Wedding Preview!
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  • Thanks ladies for your help. I'll make those changes. Plus I forgot a line avout children. Any suggestions? The only kiddos will be our immediate family and we will be telling them directly, otherwise adult only.

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  • Don't write adults only on the invites. Just address it to the parents only.
    September 2012 Siggy Challenge: Wedding Preview!
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  • The wording two thousand twelve is correct as opposed to two thousand and twelve. Otherwise it looks great!
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