Hey girls. Here is my issue. We are having a small wedding. 60 people including me and my fi. We have sent out our STD and have 1 more to send out (once FI gets the damn address lol). My issue is this. My aunt and uncle have been invited. I love them dearly but there has been some issues with their son, who is about 40. He broke into my other aunt's home while she was on a trip with my grand parents and they pressed charges on him. My aunt (his mother) refuses to speak to my g-ma and my other aunt (her sisters) because they pressed charges and he is in prison. We have invited them to the wedding knowing pretty well that they will not come. They arne't even speaking to their daughter or their grandkids because she knows her brother is a complete POS. My question is...do we go ahead and send another STD out to someone, pretty much knowing they won't show or just hold tight?
Sorry if this is confusing. I can definitely clarify anything that needs it. I tried to give it the easiest summary as possible. Thanks girls!