That woman, I swear I could just shake her.
1. She has decided that it is time to start planning the rehearsal dinner. Now, we booked the location months ago. Restaurants that can accommodate our large (read: 82 people, yes I am serious) rehearsal dinner book up quickly. She made this big stink about how we just have to go to NC on this specific weekend to talk to the place and that she just must see the reception space and she just needs see my childhood home.
My parents flipped out because they are renovating all their bathrooms and they were worried she would be upset that she couldn't stay at their house and that she would think they are rude (she is very southern and is big on "manners"). I made appointments with the restaurant, the reception space, and calmed my parents down--they were talking about rescheduling the renovation start date to accommodate her.
She has lunch with FI today and proclaims that the upcoming weekend is no longer "good for her" because she forgot it was her best friend's birthday and she just must host a dinner party that Saturday night for her so we will just have to reschedule....for when it is better for her. Needless to say I was NOT pleased.
2. She keeps e-mailing me about hotels to stay at for the wedding. Now, I already have 40 rooms reserved at two different hotels but apparently her family would never stay at a Hilton or a Marriott. Apparently, they are totally low class and I've embarrassed her. I totally disagree. I gave her the names of some nicer hotels in the area and asked her to please NOT recommend anyone stay at one specific hotel because FI and I will be staying there on our wedding night and we really don't want to run into anyone in the elevator (awkward!--we did that to a bride & groom once). So of course at lunch she tells FI that she is suggesting ALL her friends and family stay at the one hotel I asked her to not recommend.
She has such blatant disrespect for anything I say (and apparently for my family's plans). FI is going to talk to her about it, but I am really pissed off and offended. She is not helping our already strained relationship.

225 Invited so far!

148 Are ready to party!

77 Will be missing out!

0 Are MIA!