September 2012 Weddings

AW: Finally found time to finish my first DIY (pip)

I've been dying for a creative outlet because school and work are just not creatively stimulating!  Finally had time yesterday.  Just went with my least messy project to get the ball rolling and finally check something off.  They are a little hard to see and if you aren't familiar with the schools you probably don't know what you are looking at haha.  The material on the left is a Virginia Tech football print (where FI went) and on the right is my school and VT's rival, University of Virginia print.  He is going to be so surprised when he takes it off at the reception for the toss.  I plan on finding just a generic looking garter pic to tell him that's what I made when he asks (since he knows I'm making my own). 

Re: AW: Finally found time to finish my first DIY (pip)

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